Friday, June 10, 2011


I am sitting at home recovering from my recent dance with the Hospital.  I am pretty sure they wanted to keep me alive, but the food was not what was telling me that.  In fact the food made me wonder if they wanted me dead.  But, that aside I had a bout with heat stroke, and WAY too thin blood.  I am on blood thinners so I am not suprized that my blood was thin, but I was suprized by HOW thin my blood had gotten.  It took nearly two weeks to get it back to thereputic from just one small dose of vitamin K.  It was well over 5.5 which is way too thin, I could bleed out from a simple bruise.  The 105 degree heat when I tried to mow the lawn didn't help anything.  Both things together conspired to place me in the hospital.  I spent 2 1/2 days there.  I am mostly better now, but at least I'm home.

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