Tuesday, December 25, 2012

I realize that some of my most recent posts may seem a divergence from the goal and target of my blog.  But, then one cannot legitimately discuss the capability of living comfortably below the poverty line without addressing some of the unique, and not so unique stresses, and other aspects of life below the $19,900 level that used to be considered the poverty line.  Funny thing is that I heard that the povery line was increased in the last year to approximately 25k.  So even though I do want to find strategys to survive as working (or as is the truth with my Wife and I... disabled) poor. I know that not to discuss the family stress involved would be a mistake.  I do try to use the bible as a guide to keep my conscience focused.  I also know that I am often falling short of the guidance provided by Christ and his apostles.  So I seek your indulgence when I post things about my family and the stress we are experiencing.

Thankful for all Christ gives me in abundance,
Michael Conway the Wondering Wanderer

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